Refund Policy

You can contact us to request a refund by contacting us.

When the payment of fees is made to, the fees paid in advance are maintained by in a client account. As per our cancellation policy, when you cancel your placed order within 24 hours depending on various completion you will get a refund within 3 days. We cannot refund or credit paid filing fees or taxes or to third parties and other government entities. is the most trusted building and construction materials supply and never compromises to provide our best services from our side. We understand your circumstances; we are always here to provide customer satisfaction to our customers for better business trading. You can contact us to request a refund and our co-operative team will help to get your fees credited to your give Bank Account within 3-4 business working days.

Request to Refund Contact Details

Corporate address:
Fantasia Business Park,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai,
Pin – 400703
Office: +91-9137663340